Monthly Archives: May 2009

Happy Marriage!

”Hey beyman kina birseko 18 gate mero wedding ma aaunu la”
I was writhing on bed. Nokia 1600, the only gadget I’ve for now rang at around 10:30 pm yesterday night. It was a text message from Sangeeta, who’s going to start her nuptial life soon. Her marriage is slated for 18th of Jestha. I met her months ago, before the calamity ruined me. Actually, Sundar, her bro had arranged a meeting with her in a local tea-shop herein Bagar. I really was not aware of our meeting until I left astounded to find her claiming her chair in front of us; she appeared so suddenly. I know, Sundar did it all clandestinely. Felt a little odd to find her with us, for I had never seen her before and was not used to such sudden meeting. Anyway, She’s a girl with tom-boyishly massive and strong body. Later, I knew, she’s been in sports and a good basketball player. We exchanged some words but she left soon. During the meeting, Sundar acted as a bridge assisting both of us in sharing our things. Ha Ha Ha Ha…So funny. She left telling she would want to have such meeting again. Since then, we started to be in touch with textings and telephoning. I had long ago sensed that Sundar wants me make a friendship with his sister. For what? Did he want me fall in love with her? Don’t take me wrong. I know I sensed it from his remarks for many a times.
After the calamity, I left texting, telephoning her. Was oblivious of almost all of my friends since the disaster. But still, She managed to be in touch with textings from her side. She invited me on several gatherings with her friends and bro, but I only kept refusing them lying her I’m ill. I must say sorry that I denied her several times. I’m sorry for it. She never knew what had been/have been happening on me, she never knew the disaster. Now, she’s going to have a typical arrange marriage. No one in my circle had predicted that she would one day go for arrange marriage for she’s such a chatty, frank and tomboyish girl. Amazing! After all, it’s destiny which decides our fate/future. I’m again sorry that despite her and bro’s solemn invitation, I’m unable to make my presence at her wedding ceremony. I dread people. Dunno if I’ve become an absolute misanthropic. I already hold a grudge against women.
Anyway, Happy Marriage and Married Life,  Sangeeta! You must have been thrilled anticipating the forthcoming incident, which usually happen only once in our lives. So, savour the moments!

कहीं नभएको जात्रा


आजको कथित गणतन्त्र दिवसको उपलक्ष्यमा आयोजित समारोहमा माओवादीका कुनै पनि नेताहरुलाई नदेख्दा खिन्न लाग्यो । जसले गणतन्त्रको लागि दशकौं वर्ष स-शस्त्र युद्ध लड्यो, हजारौंको बलिदानी दियो, र जसको नेतृत्वमा देशमा यत्रो ठूलो परिवर्तन सम्भव भयो, त्यही दलको असंलग्नता यस पहिलो कथित गणतन्त्र दिवसको समारोहमा देखिनु निश्चय नै बिडम्बनापूर्ण छ । वास्तवमा गणतन्त्र, संघीयता र संविधानसभाको जननी माओवादी नै हो । यो परिवर्तनको एक्लो हकदार माओवादी हो । यो एउटा सत्य हो । यो सत्यलाई स्वीकार्न हिच्किचाउनु भनेको ईतिहास र यथार्थतालाई जबरजस्ती नकार्नु हो, जनताको रगत-पसीना र बलिदानीको सरासर अवमूल्यन हो । तर घोर बिडम्बना, जसले गणतन्त्र, संविधानसभा, संघीयता लगायत अन्य कैयौं राजनीतिक, सामाजिक, साँस्कृतिक परिवर्तन सम्भव तुल्यायो, त्यहि शक्ति यतिखेर जबर्जस्ती एक्ल्याईएको छ, सरकार छाड्न बाध्य तुल्याईएको छ, गणतन्त्र सँस्थागत गर्नबाट वन्चित छ । र जसले कहिल्यै यी मुद्दाहरुको वकालत गरेनन्, ऊनीहरु नै अहिले ठालू पल्टेर रजाईं गर्न खोजीरहेका छन् । माओवादीले त्यत्रो सँघर्ष गरेर देशमा यत्रो परिवर्तन ल्यायो, तर फल भने ऊनीहरुलाई चाख्न नै नदिई अरुहरुले खोसिसकेका छन् । यसलाई के भन्ने ? काम गर्ने कालु, मकै खाने भालु भनेको यही होला ।

आज टीभीमा एक्कैछिन कथित गणतन्त्र दिवसको ‘लाईभ’ हेर्दा समारोहमा गणतन्त्रको लागी कहिल्यै संघर्ष नगरेका दल र तिनिहरुका भरौटेहरुको चुरीफुरी देख्दा घिन लाग्यो । मन्चमा कथित राष्ट्रपतिदेखि सेनापतिसम्म सबै एमाले-काँग्रेसका मान्छेहरु मात्र देखिन्थे । देशमा गणतन्त्र भर्खरै आएको छ र कमसेकम यो पहिलो वार्षिकोत्सव समारोहमा माओवादीको सम्मानजनक उपस्थिती हुनुपर्ने हो । तर, राष्ट्रपतिदेखि सभाध्यक्षसम्म एउटै पदमा पनि माओवादीको प्रतिनिधित्व छैन । एउटा प्रधानमन्त्री थिए, तर तिनलाई पनि 9 महिनामै राजीनामा दिन बाध्य पारियो । कत्रो बिडम्बना ! मन्चबाट राष्ट्रपति, प्रधानमन्त्री देखी कथित उच्च ओहोदाका व्यक्तिहरुले समारोहको ‘अवलोकन’ गरिरहँदा तिनिहरुले समग्रमा समारोह र अहिलेको सत्यलाई गिज्याईरहेझैं लाग्यो । माओवादीका योजनाकार डा. भट्टराई भन्छन् , ”यो शिशु गणतन्त्रलाई आमा (माओवादी)को हातबाट जबरजस्ती खोसिएको छ । अब शत्रुहरुको हातबाट त्यो शिशु या त निर्दयतापूर्वक मारिन्छ या कुपोषित बनाईन्छ ।”

कहीं नभएको जात्रा अहिले नेपालमा म देख्दैछु ।

Lacking Inspiration

Diary was left unwritten for almost a fortnight. Actually, I was lacking an inspiration. Not all but many attempts/works needs some sort of inspiration to carry out. After enduring  nearly a year-long-like month, I came to receive an email 2 days ago from her which helped me refreshed a little. I again loved her, much more than before. She’s my inspiration, indeed.

Ramchandra Dai is coming Pokhara tomorrow for his official work (He works in Family Planning Association, Central Office, Pulchowk, Lalitpur). He is often busy attending meetings and visiting several places within the kingdom and abroad too. Still in early 30s, he has achieved a greater degree of success in his professional career. But he will not stay with us, for he has already booked a luxurious hotel in here. I’m envious of his luxurious professional life.

BJP’s stunning defeat to INC in recently held general election has saddened  even non-Hindus. While browsing Indian news sites and blogs extensively (along with TV and Radio updates) for the poll’s latest updates and news, I found this comment quite worth-considering : ”’I am not a Hindu though I have Hindu heritage. I was looking forward to INC’s defeat mostly because I vehemently am opposed to the idea of dynasty. India is a republic not a monarchy. I am seriously disappointed by the disastrous performance of BJP.”

What say ? I suggest India be declared a kingdom and coronation of one of Gandhi descendants (What about Soniya ? or Rahul ?) soon be held….. HA HA HA HA HA HA….

The bitter end of 26 years-long LTTE insurgency has landmarked Sri-Lankan history.  Associated Press writes :  The Tamil Tigers were considered one of the world’s best armed and most sophisticated insurgencies, with a conventional army, artillery pieces, a significant naval wing and even a nascent air force. But government forces ousted the rebels from the shadow state they controlled across a wide swath of the north in recent months and brought the group to its knees.

Today, was busy browsing news sites searching stories/updates/ information about LTTE and the final battle which apparently swept  rebels out their area and ended decades long civil war in the island. Lately saw on TV, a cadaver of Velupillai Prabhakaran laid on the ground along with his aides. The iconic rebel leader has finally been perished. I heard about him, when I was mere 11, for the first time and tt had just been 11 years since he waged a violent war for separate state for minority Tamil. His interview titled as ‘I’ve not meet my family for 11 years’ ( I still remember this line and a photo of him attached) was published in a leftist magazine ‘Abhiyaan‘ which my dad brought home and I came to read it. As usually, at such young age, I had a very limited knowledge  about what is politics, rightist/leftist, what is communism, guerrilla warfare etc. However, we had already started reading ‘Mulyankan‘ monthly since such early age and it had somewhat helped me earn political knowledge. I kept reading ‘Mulyankan’ until I left school (for college). Shyam Shrestha, a well-known member of civil society,  was editor of the monthly then. I don’t know who is leading the popular leftist magazine now. I also heard from teachers while in school more about LTTE and Prabhakaran.  Ramchandra Naral sir would praise LTTE rebels’ courage, swiftness and determination frequently, I recall. He often told us that they preferred to kill themselves with cyanide capsules tied to their chest/neck around than surrender and leak information to enemies. We used to get thrilled at his narration.

Violence could never be acceptable, but, for rights and dignity, one is compelled to embrace it if peaceful means repeatedly fall in deaf ears. Prabhakaran  did same. I praise him for his unwavering fighting to secure minority Tamil’s rights,  dignity and liberation. But violence is always deplorable.

May your soul rest in eternal peace, Mr. Prabhakaran, a hero!

She Writes Me!!!

I’ve received Her email almost after a month. You know, I endured those months-like days waiting for her email (Email has been an only means of communication). Am delirious right now………….

विकृतिको पुनरावृत्ति


आखिर माओवादीको अहँकार, दम्भ, अधिनायकवादी प्रवृत्ति र हस्तक्षेपकारी नीतिले संसदीय राजनीतिको घिनलाग्दो जोडघटाऊ शुरु हुने लक्षण देखिएको छ । सँविधानसभा र हालै सम्पन्न उपनिर्वाचनमार्फत जनताले प्रस्तुत गरेको जनादेशको भावना विपरित उनै जनताले तिरस्कृत र अयोग्य ठहर्र्याएका काँग्रेस र एमालेले सत्ताको साँचो पाउने तत्कालको सम्भावना देखिएको छ, भलै यो दिगो नहुन सक्ला । माओवादीको तथाकथित क्रमभङगर नागरिक सर्वोच्चताको नाममा शुरु गरिएको सुनियोजीत हस्तक्षेपकारी नीतिले उसको आफ्नो नेतृत्वको सरकार त ढाल्यो नै समग्र शान्ति प्रक्रियाको सुरक्षित अवतरण पनि धरापमा पर्ने सम्भावना देखिएको छ यद्दपि निर्वाचनमार्फत एउटा शक्तिशाली र जिम्मेवार राजनीतिक पार्टीको रुपमा स्थापित हुने तर्खरमा रहेको माओवादीले फेरि पनि सत्ताच्युत हुनुपरेको बदलामा पहिलेझैं हत्या, हिंसाको सहारा लिन र समग्र शान्ति प्रक्रियाबाट विमुख हुने सम्भावना बिलकुल देखिन्न । किनकि शान्ति स्थापनार्थ उसले जनादेश पाएको हो न कि फेरि आतंक र अन्योल सिर्जना गर्न । सरकारमा आफ्नो हालिमुहाली र नेतृत्व हुँदासमेत विभिन्न बहानामा बबण्डर मच्चाईरहने (जस्तै पशुपति पूजारी प्रकरण, कर्मचारी सरुवाबढुवा प्रकरण,प्राज्ञ नियुक्ति प्रकरण, एकीकृत सेवा केन्द्र स्थापना विवाद,  सेनापति प्रकरण आदि) माओवादीहरुले अब झन सत्ताबाट हटिसकेपछि के पो गर्ने हुन् भन्ने त्रास ममा पनि नभएको होइन तर मलाई लाग्दैन ऊनीहरु त्यति विधि गैरजिम्मेवार बन्नेछन् । देश बनाउँ, राष्ट्रियता प्रवर्द्धन गरौं र जनतालाई समृद्धी दिऔं भन्ने सोच, उत्साह पक्कै पनि 10-10 वर्षको अत्यन्त कठीन युद्ध लडेर आमूल परिवर्तनको नारा लिएर आएका प्रचण्ड र बाबुराम भट्टराईमै बढि होला, माकुने, झलनाथ, गिरिजा कोईराला आदिको तुलनामा । तर 10 वर्षसम्म जीवनमरणको कसम खाएर अत्यन्त कठीन जनयुद्ध लडेर र पछि निर्वाचन मार्फत जनताको जनादेशमा यहाँसम्म आईपुगेको माओवादी आखिर कहाँ चुक्यो ? 9-9 महिनासम्म सरकार चलाउँदा पनि जनताले किन कुनै तात्विक फरक महशुस गरेनन् ? तीन महिनाभित्र चमत्कार गर्छु भनेर खुलामन्चमा कुर्लने प्रचण्डको चुरीफुरि त्यसपछि कहाँ हराएर गयो ? कहिलेसम्म बहाना बनाईरहने : हामी नयाँ छौ, अनुभव छैन सत्ताको, सिक्दै छौं , कर्मचारीहरु, विदेशी शक्तिहरु र विपक्षीहरुले हामीलाई काम गर्न दिएनन् , आदि आदि । आफु ठूलो हुँ, हामीसँग जनताको जनादेश छ , आफ्नै जनमुक्ति सेना छ भनेर पेलेरै जान खोज्ने माओवादीलाई सेनापति प्रकरणले गतिलो पाठ सिकाएको हुनुपर्छ । राज्यका हरेक अङ्गमा हस्तक्षेप गरेर भद्रगोल मच्चाएर आफु अनुकुल वातावरण निर्माण गर्ने र धमिलो पानीमा माछा मार्ने माओवादीको योजनामा हाललाई पूर्णविराम लागेको छ, प्रधानमन्त्री दाहालको राजीनामा सँगै ।  तथापि तत्कालको लागि सत्ताको साँचो जनताबाट अस्वीकृत उही एमाले , काँग्रेस लगायतका दलमा आएको छ । तिनिहरुबाट जनताले के आशा गर्ने ? फगत फोहोरी अँकगणितीय राजनीति, अरु बढी भ्रष्टाचार, महंगी, अराजकता, अस्थिरता….आदि । यद्दपि माओवादी सबभन्दा ठूलो दलको रुपमा रहेकोले उसलाई विश्वासमा नलिईकन नेपाली राजनीति सहज रूपमा अघि बढ्ने छैन ।

                    (21 वैशाख्, 2065 मा राजीनामाको घोषणा गर्दै प्रधानमन्त्री दाहाल)

वास्तवमा प्रजातन्त्रको उपयोग र अभ्यास गर्न हामी नेपालीहरु सक्षम भएकै छैनौं अन्यथा यस्ता संकट, दुर्घटनाहरु र आन्दोलनहरु दोहोरिने थिएनन् । जीवनको उत्तरार्द्ध मा 2046 सालको जन आन्दोलन पछिको घिनलाग्दो सत्ता राजनीतिलाई ईङ्गित गर्दै त्यतिखेरै गणेशमान सिंहले ‘2046 सालमा आन्दोलन गर्ने बेलै भएको रहेनछ’ सम्म भनेका थिए रे ! भोको पेटले अन्न र नाङ्गो आङ्ले लुगा खोज्छ, प्रजातन्त्र होईन । हामीलाई राजनीतिक स्थिरता चाहिएको छ न कि प्रजातन्त्रको नाममा 6 महिने सरकार वा सत्ता राजनीतिको घिनलाग्दो खेल । र त्यो राजनीतिक स्थिरता कुनै एउटा अधिनायकवादी शक्तिले दिनसक्छ भने मलाई त्यो स्वीकार्य छ । विकास र समृद्धीको प्रथम शर्त राजनीतिक स्थिरता हो जसको अभावमा 2046 सालपछिका यी महत्वपुर्ण बीस वर्षहरुले विकास र समृद्धीलाई अगाडी बढाउनुको साटो प्रजातन्त्र स्वयमलाई पटक पटक धरापमा पार्र्यो ।

Lavish Celebration

A wardrobe of fine Indian woods cost more than 70,000 Rs., a Four-poster of same quality of nearly 50,000 Rs., a pair of chairs of more than 12,000 Rs.!!! and so on…All these extra expensive items were given to our Ramchandra dai in his wedding by bride’s side as a dowry. Bride’s family are millionaires, indeed. They work in various INGOs and UN offices in Nepal. Although, our side was not as rich and affluent as them and I know we could never be also.

Ramchandra Dai’s wedding ceremony was really an extravaganza; especially it was made such from bride’s side. They had organized the ceremony at a resort-cum-hotel in Mulpaani near Saakhu, Kathmandu. 

I was amazed and inspired too when I knew he’s going to marry a girl whom he met online at first. Yes, they met online and gradually their affinity went closer and closer. The return of the girl from abroad proved to be an impetus for their cordial relationship which eventually culminated in marriage… And now, they have tied the knot and living a happy life.

Best wishes for their happy married life.

Here are some pictures from the wedding ceremony held on 12th Dec.2008.


The Baddest Book


दिनेश दाईले ‘सोच’ ल्याउनुभयो कर्ण शाक्यको बहुचर्चित किताब पढ्ने मौका मिलिरहेको थिएन अस्ति दाईको हातमा देख्नासाथ झम्टिएर खोस्न पुगें र पाना पल्टाउन थालें उत्साहित थिएँ म तर……… पहिलो पृष्ठमै म निराश तुल्याईएँ मैले पहिलो पृष्ठमै यति धेरै व्याकरणीय अशुद्धता अनि ह्र्स्व-दीर्घका अनेकौं गल्तिहरु फेला पारें कि मलाई त्यो किताब पढ्नै मन लागेन रीस उठ्यो यस्तो बहुचर्चित किताब व्याकरणमा त्यति कमजोर कसरी हुनसक्छ ? यो हेल्चक्राईं कि के ? मलाई नै सम्पादक बनाएको भए बरु त्यति धेरै गल्ति हुन दिन्नँ थिएँ होला ! के किताब छापेको त्यस्तो ? पहिलो गाँसमै ढुङगा लाग्यो दाई भएको ठाउँमा लगेर हुर्र्याईदिएँ फेरि मैले त्यो किताब कहिल्यै छोईनँ मैले पढेका चर्चित पुस्तकहरुमध्ये ‘सोच’ सबैभन्दा खराब पाएँ

त्यसको’ कुनै खबर छैन । म वास्तवमै आहत छु । आशा गर्छु, ऊ सन्चै छ ।