Monthly Archives: September 2009

छि: हिमाल


पुर्वाग्रहको पराकाष्ठा

जनआन्दोलनअघि अनिश्चित भविष्य बोकेर भारतीय गल्लीमा भौंतारिन बाध्य माओवादीलाई बाह्रबुँदे सहमति गरी उद्धार गर्ने दलहरुको गुनको बदला उसले बैगुनले तिरेको छ ..” (हालसालै हिमाल खबरपत्रिकामा प्रकाशित एउटा लेखको अँश)

कति पुर्वाग्रही र सतही विश्लेषण रगत तातेर आउने । राजाले लात हानेपछि र राजासँग अनेकौं हारगुहार गर्दापनि केही नलागेपछि अस्तित्वरक्षाको खातिर माओवादीसँग याचना गर्न पुगेका एमालेकाँग्रेसको विगतको यथार्थ कसैबाट लुकेको छैन । तर हिमाल खबरपत्रिका भने झूठलाई सत्य र स्वीकारयोग्य बनाउने योजनाबद्ध अभियानमा लागेको प्रतित हुन्छ, माओवादी विरुद्धका सामाग्रीलाई प्राथमिकता दिंदै । राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रको प्रतिगमनको विरोधमा रत्नपार्कमा दुईचार जना मान्छेको झुण्ड खडा गरेर हरेक दिन रमिता गर्नु बाहेक एमालेकाँग्रेसले कुनै निर्णायक आन्दोलन गर्न सकेका थिएनन् । राज्यको समानान्तर शक्तिको रुपमा माओवादी उदाउँदै गर्दा र राजा ज्ञानेन्द्रको प्रत्यक्ष शासनकालमा दलहरु अझै पाखा लागिरहेको स्थितिमा उसैको फेर समात्दा मात्र आँफुहरु बच्न सकिने निष्कर्षमा एमालेकाँग्रेस पुगेका कारण अन्तत: 2062 साल मँसिर 7 गते तथाकथित बाह्रबुँदे समझदारी हुन पुग्यो । राजाको प्रत्यक्ष शासनताकाको पछिल्लो हिउँदमा एमालेकाँग्रेसको अनुरोध, सहयोग र समर्थनमा माओवादीले उपत्यकाको थानकोटस्थित प्रहरी चौकीमा आक्रमण गरी ठूलो क्षति पुर्र्याएको घटना यहाँनिर स्मरणयोग्य छ । यसर्थ एमालेकाँग्रेसको मुक्तिअथवा पुनर्जीवनवास्तविक अर्थमा त्यतिबेला सम्भव भयो जब उनीहरु माओवादीको चरणमा याचना गर्न लम्पसार परे । यस्तो सत्यलाई बिर्सिएर हिमाल खबरपत्रिका भने माओवादीलाई बदनाम गर्ने निहुँमा झूठको खेती र भ्रामक सामाग्रीलाई प्रश्रय दिईरहेछ । माओवादीको गल्तीलाई देखाएर जनताबाट तिरस्कृत एमालेकाँग्रेसलाई राम्रो देखाउन सकिन्न । झूठलाई सयचोटी दोहोर्र्यायो भने सत्यजस्तै लाग्छ रे । र, अहिले हिमाल खबरपत्रिकाले त्यही गरिरहेको छ । माओवादीको अस्वस्थ आलोचना गरेर एमालेकाँग्रेसलाई सही ठहर्र्याउने प्रयासको निरन्तरतामा हिमाल छ । यसका हरेक अँक र लेख माओवादी विरुद्धमा नै लक्षित पाईन्छन् । यतिसारो पुर्वाग्रह र खेदोखनाई मैले अन्त शायदै भेटेको छु । गत वर्ष माओवादी कार्यकर्ताहरुले हिमालमिडियाको कार्यालयमा त्यसै आक्रमण गरेका थिएनन् । अहिले त्यसको पुष्टि हुँदैछ । आखिर हिमालले माओवादीको खेदो किन नखनोस्, प्रकाशक कनकमणि दीक्षित लगायत सम्पुर्ण हिमाल टीम नै एमालेको केपी ओली पक्षीय हुन् ।

माओवादी जनयुद्धले देशका दूरदराजका भेगमा ल्याएको सामाजिक क्रान्तिलाई हिमालले कहिल्यै सर्र्हाएन बरु काँग्रेस सँसदीय दलको नेतामा कुलीन रामचन्द्र पौडेलको हालैको निर्वाचनलाई ऊ क्रान्तिदेख्छ ।

विगत दश वर्षदेखी हिमालको नियमित पाठक, सँग्रहकर्ता र शुभचिन्तक रहीआएको म पछिल्लो समयमा हिमालको माओवादीप्रतिको अत्यन्त अस्वस्थ आलोचना र पुर्वाग्रहको भेउ पाउन सकिरहेको छैन । अति गर्नु, अतिसार नगर्नुभन्ने त उखानै छ । हिमालको यो ज्यादतीकहिलेसम्म ?

यद्दपि जनयुद्धकालमा हिमालले गरेको सटिक रिपोर्टीङ सँधै नै तारीफयोग्य छ ।

A Hideous Man, Self Proclaimed ‘fairy’ and Broken Promises

Never thought she could ditch me like this. Really, never even assumed. Really didn’t. Still can’t believe I’ve been disliked to this extent. Dunno where she went. But, I’m betrayed. I find myself marooned on everlasting agony. May be it is right: Promises are made only to break later. She might think me hideous. I should have been a good looking guy. I would not have been disliked this much were I a hunky adonis. *cries*

People SUCK. They are contemptible. No one is trustworthy. They are to be IGNORED and SNUBBED. They are to be chopped off into pieces and let carnivores devour them. They are to be experimented in labs in place of innocent animals. F**k them all. *cries*

After nearly a year of the tragedy, disdain and hatred I hold for them have grown only strong.


This evening, Bhola Dai visited me. After doing nothing for more than 3 years after completing his M.Sc., he now runs a retailer utensils store and teaches in a local private school. He previously drew lots of criticism regarding his unemployment condition. We would also amaze at his not-doing-anything life in those years. He remained stuck to his family’s modest grocer’s for those years. But finally, now, he’s making a good progress along with his beautiful wife and an adorable boy. It seems, he now has his destiny in right.

He’s a strong proponent of UML and equally a staunch critic of Maoists. This time too, we got involved into a short political debate. Though, he is much senior than me, I always find his political knowledge and the way he discusses more nascent. It might seem weird but I oftentimes find many people of my age much ‘nascent’ and ‘inexperienced’ in political and other serious discussions and the use of language. May be that’s why, I seldom get attracted to people of my age group. They only know either of their concerned fields or holds very limited knowledge beyond it. And, I hate this.


Now, It’s 11:05 pm and there is torrential rain outside. I kind of love the sound. Have not slept well for months – often writhe on bed in distress. Her memories keep haunting, make me almost cry. It’s merely excruciating.

Maoists Suck

I’ve always commended Maoists’ revolutionary ideas and more profoundly their 10-years-long People’s War.

But, now, they suck for at least one thing i.e. their proposal for a new flag in lieu of angles-shaped centuries old national flag. They want to change national flag citing ”drastic political and social changes” in the country. I strongly opposes this idea.

Our national flag is unique in the world. We know, no any other country on the earth has a national flag like ours. IMO, after being no longer ‘Hindu Kingdom’, our flag is the only treasure which distinguish Nepal from others. Nepal is distinctive only by our angles-shaped national flag now. Moreover, it carries a legacy of bravery and patriotism of our great ancestors and heroes.


Let’s Oppose Maoists’ Proposal. Let’s Fight For Our Great National Flag.

Male Face, Not ‘Sexy’?

Why Guys’ faces are never shown in porn movies? Why their faces and tops are often obscured?

Quote Of The Day!

"Every time Bush turns a new page in his life he will find Muntadhar’s shoes waiting for him."

Uday, brother of famous Muntadhar al-Zeidi (shoe thrower at George W. Bush, last December) upon al-Zeidi’s release after nearly a year in incarceration.

Excerpt from the news : ‘…His protest was widely celebrated and even inspired Internet games and
T-shirts and led some to try to offer their daughters to him in
marriage. There were also reports that a Saudi man wanted to pay $10
million for one of the shoes.’

(Source: Yahoo! News)


It’s so amazing. Once a mere television reporter now leads a celebrity life thanks to his daredevil show throwing act.

Save Green, STOP Encroaching, Save Chaauthe!

Fertile and verdant land of Chaauthe, Pokhara will soon vanish if the current rapid encroachment by site developers and builders is not stifled soon. The lush green farms of Pokhara everywhere (especially in Chaauthe region) is in acute danger, thanks to the numerous real-state and housing companies and individuals who contribute the encroachment. Until a decade ago, beautiful greenery was a common sight everywhere in the belt except of some scattered buildings and auto-workshops, installed sporadically. It was only some years back, the real-state companies and other housing-related firms started the encroachment of fertile land in order to develop residential areas. The greenery has almost shrunk to a very few area by now.

I remember, until a decade ago; Chaauthe region, stretched from Kundahar to Bijayapur Bridge used to be a haven of green paddy field with pleasant breeze in this season. While driving through the fertile land along Prithvi highway, the scenic green of crops really steals the heart and mind of any visitor. It used to grow a considerable amount of crops, mainly rice and corn which was a main contributor to the demand of local market in Pokhara for grain. But now, concrete structures are being erected everywhere. Hundreds of acres of land are being plotted for residential purposes and the scenic paddy fields have been gradually becoming obsolete. I feel bitter when I visit the area. Now, it seems, as though newly built and being-built buildings and other structures are laughing at the once-verdant and highly fertile land of Chaauthe. So pathetic, the sight is.

We all know, soaring demographic statistics and rise of neo-middle class has stoked the encroachment, not only in Pokhara, but everywhere in the kingdom. It’s not really worth and relevant now to talk about the ‘ravished’ fertility and beauty of Kathmandu. But, very sadly, highly fertile land of Terai is also being devastated and virtually converted into desert as heavy torrential rain floods and inundates the region every year. And, at this gloomy situation, government and other concerned authorities have been nothing but total IMPOTENT.

SAVE these precious fertile lands. STOP encroaching them. Please, DON’T repeat the mistakes of Kathmandu elsewhere again!

मैले देखेको सत्य ।

कसैको विश्वास नगर्नु (अत्यन्त विशेष परिस्थितिमा बाहेक) ।

आदर्शका कुरा, वाचा र अनावश्यक दाबी गर्नेहरु सँधै झुठा हुन्छन् । 

तिमी आँफु (अथवा तिम्रो शरीर) नै तिम्रो सबभन्दा घनिष्ठ मित्र हौ । आँफैलाई विश्वास गर, आँफैलाई सुन; किनकि तिमी आँफुले आँफैलाई कहिल्यै धोका दिन सक्दैनौ ।

स्त्रीहरु कमै विश्वासिला हुन्छन् अनि तुलनात्मक रुपमा कठोर पनि ।

बाँच्न पाउनु तिम्रो ”मानवअधिकार” हो भने, स्वेच्छिक प्राण त्याग पनि । तिम्रो निर्णयमा प्रभाव पार्न खोज्ने र हस्तक्षेप गर्नेहरु धेरै हुन्छन् , तर अन्तिम निर्णय तिम्रो हो र त्यो सामान्यत: सँधै सत्य नै हुन्छ ।   

मान्छेहरु ‘लुक्स’ खोज्छन् , तिमिभित्रको वास्तविक ‘तिमी’ होइन । र ‘लुक्स’ सँधै दोषी हुन्छ । मतलब, ‘लुक्स’ ले तिम्रो सँधै कुभलो नै गर्छ , चाहे तिमी जतिसुकै सुन्दर होऊ ।

प्रेम आँफै कहिल्यै हुँदैन . यो त गरिन्छ, जानिबुझिकनै .

आदि ईत्यादि …..।


म घृणा गर्छु, मान्छेहरुलाई; अझ बढी स्त्रीहरुलाई । सबै भाँडमा जाऊन् । 

मेरो लागी, म जत्तिको ‘rational/pragmatic’ अरु कोही हुन सक्दैन ।

Photos:Worth To Watch

These photos of alleged mastermind of 9/11–released recently by ICRC– Khalid Sheik Mohammad might well prove the abusive inside story of Guantanamo Bay detention facility. (Found on Yahoo! News)


        (Mohammad,photographed on July,09)          (Mohammad, soon after detained, March,2003)

Top English Songs’ Lyrics (2006-2009)

Here goes a collection of top English songs’ lyrics dated from 2006 to date. I amassed the lyrics from many sites, mostly from, and There are still too many typos/errors although I myself am trying to collect better lyrics. I even upload it on and it saw so far hundreds of downloads.

It is difficult to understand lyrics when I plainly listen any new English audio. That’s why, it is must for me to download lyrics before listening any. But, most of the lyrics contain a lot of errors/typos. I know, we could never get perfection in our English skill (i.e. writing/speaking) unless it is our first or mother language. Brushing up on English is not that easy.

I’ve not listened almost any Nepalese pop songs nowadays, since so long. The last time, I listened was ”तर अन्तिम पल्ट भेट्न आऊ (डम्बर नेपालीको)”, that too in Kathmandu, while traveling in a micro-bus. I was there for Ramchandra Dai’s wedding and also to meet HER.

The collection HERE


Why today (09/09/09) is so special?

STOP This EVIL…STOP Animal Testings